Vortex Mixer
The Vortex Mixer from StateMix is a Planetary Centrifugal Mixer that is designed to mix hard-to-blend materials over a wide range of viscosities. Our Mixers come in 5 sizes to cover a variety of mixing applications, such as pastes, powders, or liquids. Applications where the material need to be mixed with suction, our Vacuum Vortex Mixer will be an ideal candidate.
Vortex Mixer VM-200
The VM-200 is a bench-top lab machine that mixes up to 200g of material in a plastic cup. This unit is ideal for material labs and quality control applications.
Principles of operation of the VM-200
The main vertical rotating axis will force the liquids to the far side of the cup while the second counter rotation creates a vortex motion within the liquids, which facilitates the rapid mixing of the materials. Through this vortex motion, raw materials with very high or low viscosity can be mixed very effectively. Off-the-shelf, reusable plastic cups with screw-on lids contain the material during mixing.
To operate, simply pour all the raw material components to be mixed into the cup, attach the lid, place the cup into the container holder, and press the start button. Both the speed and duration of the mix are pre-adjustable in the system and are set according to the viscosity, temperature, and types of materials being mixed. Most materials are completely mixed within 30 to 60 seconds.
The VM-200 construction contains a high-horsepower motor suspended in a custom-designed cradle system. The motor provides the bucket with its required rotation on both axes. A Kevlar belt assembly transforms the vertical rotation of the base to the second opposite rotational axis. Prior to mixing, a counterweight system is dialed according to the amount of material poured into the cup. The VM-200 can mix up to 200g of material once.
The drive system of the VM-200 consists of a single-phase 110-120V or a 208-240V motor with a variable frequency motor driver and a dynamic braking system. It also contains a timer that automatically activates the dynamic braking system to bring the machine to a halt very rapidly.
Mixing capacity: 30g to 200g
CE Certified
Dimensions of VM-200:
21” tall, 16.3” wide, 16.3” deep (54cm x 41cm x 41cm)
Pails for Vortex Mixer:
VM-200 pails / cups:
8 oz – White PP Single-wall cup and lid
For pricing contact StateMix
(minimum order 100 pcs)
Part #: VM200-110
Vortex Mixer: VM-1000
The VM-1000 is a standalone mixer that mixes up to 1000g or 2.2lbs of material per batch. This unit is used both in a lab and for small production runs.
Principles of operation of the VM-1000
The main vertical rotating axis will force the liquids to the far side of the pail while the second counter rotation creates a vortex motion within the liquids, which facilitates the rapid mixing of the materials. Through this vortex motion, raw materials with very high or low viscosity can be mixed very effectively. Off-the-shelf, reusable plastic pails with snap-on lids contain the material during mixing.
To operate, simply pour all the raw material components to be mixed into the pail, snap the lid shut, place the pail into the container holder, and press the start button. Both the speed and duration of the mix are pre-adjustable in the system and are set according to the viscosity, temperature, and types of materials being mixed. Most materials are completely mixed within 30 to 60 seconds.
The VM-1000 construction contains a high-horsepower motor suspended in a custom-designed cradle system. The motor provides the bucket with its required rotation on both axes. A Kevlar belt assembly transforms the vertical rotation of the base to the second opposite rotational axis. Prior to mixing, a counterweight system is dialed according to the amount of material poured into the pail. The VM-1000 can mix up to 1000g or 2.2lbs of material at once.
The drive system of the VM-1000 consists of a single-phase 208-240V motor with a variable frequency motor driver and a dynamic braking system. It also contains a timer that automatically activates the dynamic braking system to bring the machine to a halt very rapidly.
Mixing capacity: 300g to 1000g
CE Certified
Dimensions of VM-1000:
37” tall, 27” wide, 27” deep (95cm x 69cm x 69cm)
Pails for Vortex Mixer:
VM-1000 pails:
2.25-liter pail and lids (HDPE)
For pricing contact StateMix
(minimum order 100 pcs)
Part #: VM1000-112
Vortex Mixer Vacuum: VM-1000-VAC
This 2-in-1, VM-1000-VAC model can simultaneously mix with vacuum capabilities of up to 1000 grams of material. The vacuum pump is paired with a surge tank to create an instant hard vacuum. The suction causes gas bubbles to expand while the centrifugal action of the bladeless mixing expels the gas bubbles out of the material.
Principles of operation of the VM-1000-VAC
The StateMix VM1000VAC will produce a pull of up to 350L/min. Although the material properties need to be taken into consideration, our ultimate vacuum in the mixing chamber, after 45 seconds reaches -28inHg (-96.2 kPa). The touch screen HMI allows for a user-friendly interface. Programmable sequences are customizable to your needs with settings established in the “pro” or “normal” mode. The software structure allows for advanced settings to retain up to 7 different recipes in memory.
Mixing capacity: 300g to 1000g
CE Certified
Vortex Mixer: VM-2500
The VM-2500 is a rugged mixer developed for larger batch production runs using a variety of materials. The VM-2500 can mix up to 2.5kg or 5.5lbs of material in a standard 1-gallon or 4-liter pail.
Principles of operation of the VM-2500
The main vertical rotating axis will force the liquids to the far side of the pail while the second counter rotation creates a vortex motion within the liquids, which facilitates the rapid mixing of the materials. Through this vortex motion, raw materials with very high or low viscosity can be mixed very effectively. Off-the-shelf, reusable plastic pails with snap-on lids contain the material during mixing.
To operate, simply pour all the raw material components to be mixed into the pail, snap the lid shut, place the pail into the container holder, and press the start button. Both the speed and duration of the mix is pre-adjustable in the system and are set according to the viscosity, temperature, and types of materials being mixed. Most materials are completely mixed within 30 to 60 seconds.
The VM-2500 construction contains a high-horsepower motor suspended in a custom-designed cradle system. The motor provides the bucket with its required rotation on both axes. A Kevlar belt assembly transforms the vertical rotation of the base to the second opposite rotational axis. Prior to mixing, a counterweight system is dialed according to the amount of material poured into the pail. The VM-2500 can mix up to 2.5kg or 5.5lbs of material at once.
The drive system of the VM-2500 consists of a 3-phase 208-230V or 400-480V motor with a variable frequency motor driver and a dynamic braking system. It also contains a timer that automatically activates the dynamic braking system to bring the machine to a halt very rapidly.
Mixing capacity: 500g to 2500g
CE Certified
Dimensions of VM-2500:
40” tall, 36” wide, 36” deep (100cm x 90cm x 90cm)
Pails for Vortex Mixer:
VM-2500 pails:
1-gallon / 4.55 – liter pail (Yellow Polypropylene)
For pricing contact StateMix
(minimum order 100 pcs)
Part #: SM-2975 (Pail)
1-gallon / 4.55 – liter Yellow Gasket lid (HDPE)
For pricing contact StateMix
(minimum order 100 pcs)
Part #: SM-3147 (Lid)
Order 500 pails
(Price break at 500pcs)
Part#: SM-3112 (Pails only)
Vortex Mixer: VM-10,000
The VM-10,000, was developed for large production runs and can mix up to 10kg or 22lbs of material per batch in a standard 5-gallon or 20-liter plastic pail.
Principles of operation of the VM-10,000
The main vertical rotating axis will force the liquids to the far side of the pail while the second counter rotation creates a vortex motion within the liquids, which facilitates the rapid mixing of the materials. Through this vortex motion, raw materials with very high or low viscosity can be mixed very effectively. Off-the-shelf, reusable plastic pails with snap-on lids contain the material during mixing.
To operate, simply pour all the raw material components to be mixed into the pail, snap the lid shut, place the pail into the container holder, and press the start button. Both the speed and duration of the mix is pre-adjustable in the system and are set according to the viscosity, temperature, and types of materials being mixed. Most materials are completely mixed within 30 to 60 seconds.
The VM-10,000 construction contains a high-horsepower motor suspended in a custom-designed cradle system. The motor provides the bucket with its required rotation on both axes. A Kevlar belt assembly transforms the vertical rotation of the base to the second opposite rotational axis. Prior to mixing, a counterweight system is dialed according to the amount of material poured into the pail. The VM-10,000 can mix up to 10kg or 22lbs of material at once.
The drive system of the VM-10,000 consists of a 3-phase 208-240V or 400-480V motor with a variable frequency motor driver and a dynamic braking system. It also contains a timer that automatically activates the dynamic braking system to bring the machine to a halt very rapidly.
Mixing capacity: 4kg to 10kg
CE Certified
Dimensions of VM-10,000:
48” tall, 48” wide, 48” deep (122cm x 122cm x 122cm)
Pails for Vortex Mixer:
VM-10,000 pails:
5-gallon / 20-liter pail (Yellow HDPE)
For pricing contact StateMix
(minimum order 120 pcs)
Part #: VM10K-241 (Skid of 120 Pails)
5-gallon / 20-liter Yellow Gasket lid
For pricing contact StateMix
(minimum order 100 pcs)
Part #: VM10K-95 (Lid)
Vortex Mixer: VM-20,000
Our largest model, the VM-20,000, was developed for very larger production runs and can mix up to 20kg or 44lbs of material, in two 5 gallon or 20-litre pails simultaneously.
Principles of operation of the VM-20,000
The main vertical rotating axis will force the liquids to the far side of the pail while the second counter rotation creates a vortex motion within the liquids, which facilitates the rapid mixing of the materials. Through this vortex motion, raw materials with very high or low viscosity can be mixed very effectively. Off-the-shelf, reusable plastic pails with snap-on lids contain the material during mixing.
To operate, simply pour all the raw material components to be mixed into the pail, snap the lid shut, place the pail into the container holder, and press the start button. Both the speed and duration of the mix is pre-adjustable in the system and are set according to the viscosity, temperature, and types of materials being mixed. Most materials are completely mixed within 30 to 60 seconds.
The VM-20,000 construction contains a high-horsepower motor suspended in a custom-designed cradle system. The motor provides the bucket with its required rotation on both axes. A Kevlar belt assembly transforms the vertical rotation of the base to the second opposite rotational axis. The Dual Pail Balancing System allows you to mix up to 20kg or 44lbs of material at once.
The drive system of the VM-20,000 consists of a 3-phase 208-240V or 400-480V motor with a variable frequency motor driver and a dynamic braking system. It also contains a timer that automatically activates the dynamic braking system to bring the machine to a halt very rapidly.
Mixing capacity: 6kg to 20kg
CE Certified
Dimensions of VM-20,000:
50” tall, 48” wide, 48” deep (127cm x 122cm x 122cm)
Pails for Vortex Mixer:
VM-20,000 pails:
5-gallon / 20-liter pail (Yellow HDPE)
For pricing contact StateMix
(minimum order 120 pcs)
Part #: VM10K-241 (Skid of 120 Pails)
5-gallon / 20-liter Yellow Gasket lid
For pricing contact StateMix
(minimum order 100 pcs)
Part #: VM10K-95 (Lid)
VM-200 pails / cups:
8 oz – White PP Single-wall cup and lid
For pricing contact StateMix
(minimum order 100 pcs)
Part #: VM200-110
VM-1000 pails:
2.25-liter pail and lids (HDPE)
For pricing contact StateMix
(minimum order 100 pcs)
Part #: VM1000-112
VM-2500 pails:
1-gallon / 4.55-liter pail (Yellow Polypropylene)
For pricing contact StateMix
(minimum order 100 pcs)
Part #: SM-2975 (Pail)
1-gallon / 4.55 – liter Yellow Gasket lid (HDPE)
For pricing contact StateMix
(minimum order 100 pcs)
Part #: SM-3147 (Lid)
Order 500 pails
(Price break at 500pcs)
Part#: SM-3112 (Pails only)
VM-10,000 pails:
5-gallon / 20-liter pail (Yellow HDPE)
For pricing contact StateMix
(minimum order 120 pcs)
Part #: VM10K-241 (Skid of 120 Pails)
5-gallon / 20-liter Yellow Gasket lid
For pricing contact StateMix
(minimum order 100 pcs)
Part #: VM10K-95 (Lid)
VM-20,000 pails:
5-gallon / 20-liter pail (Yellow HDPE)
For pricing contact StateMix
(minimum order 120 pcs)
Part #: VM10K-241 (Skid of 120 Pails)
20-litre / 5-gallon Yellow Gasket lid
For pricing contact StateMix
(minimum order 100 pcs)
Part #: VM10K-95 (Lid)
Frequently Asked Questions
Why is there a delay to open the door after plugging in the Vortex Mixer?
There is a timer set to a 30 second delay incase of a power loss, this is a safety feature to ensure that the spinning arm has come to a complete stop to avoid injury upon opening the door.
Why does the Vortex Mixer stop occasionally when changing weights?
We have an imbalance switch to avoid damage to the inner workings of your machine. Ensure that the material weight matches the counterweight dial and restart machine.
When the Vortex is spinning, I can hear an unusual “Knocking” sound. What could be the causes?
There a few issues that can contribute to this
- An off Balanced load
- Possible damage to Hub Bearing
- Coupler may be partially stripped of the notches
- Motor bushing could be damaged or a possible bent motor shaft
- Bearing in idler pulleys may be damaged
- Possible worn out bucket bearing
I hear a squealing sound, what could this be?
This may indicate that it is time to change the belt as it may be worn out or a possible bearing issue.
Vortex mixer will not spin
There may be a few issues that can contribute to this.
- Is the door lock latch installed correctly?
- Check that the emergency stop is not engaged
- Ensure door is completely closed
- Ensure belt tightness
- Ensure that the machine is level. As this may cause the shield to engage the imbalance switch
- Check Power Source to ensure proper voltage
Do I need a lid on my material?
A lid is recommended on the pail, however if pail is filled too high then the pail can cause defects if material hits the lid. In this instance you can either reduce the amount in the pail or remove lid.
Vortex Mixer spins but does not mix as well as before.
Your belts are potentially loose. On VM 10K bottom belt could be loose. Verify belts are tightened and in good condition.
What is the ideal speed setting for Vortex Mixer?
The Vortex mixer is preset in your controller at 1450 RPM maximum.
What is the ideal time setting for Vortex Mixers?
This is dependent on your material. Some mixes are completed in 30-60 seconds and some 3 minutes.
If you have any questions or require additional information, please contact us.